Grounds for Counter-Visit: Which defects do not pass to the technical inspection? (and how to avoid them)

Counter-visit reasons
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Technical inspection is an essential step for any vehicle owner. Yet many people wonder what defects can send their car directly to the garage without going through the validation box. The purpose of this article is to illuminate these shadow zones and inform you about the main reasons why your vehicle may fail this crucial test.

Defective braking system: a danger not to be underestimated

One of the first points checked during the changeover to technical inspection is the braking system. One defective braking system is a frequent cause of rejection. Technicians check not only the brake performance but also the condition of the discs and pads. If your brakes grin or you feel a vibration during braking, it is probably time to check them before you go to check.

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Failure of brake pads and discs

The brake pads and discs undergo natural wear over time. One critical failure at this level would be immediately noted during the technical inspection. It is therefore advisable to have these elements checked regularly to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Brake fluid leak

One liquid leak in the braking system is also a common reason for rejection. Brake fluid is essential for good braking; even a small leak can cause pressure loss and make your braking ineffective. Check regularly the brake fluid tank and make sure it is up to level.

Body corrosion: a major source of concern

The body corrosion not only impacts the aesthetic appearance of your vehicle, it can also endanger its overall structure. The body corrosion is therefore a non-negligible point of the technical inspection.

Dangerous bodywork

For technical inspection, a dangerous bodywork can quickly become a reason for refusal if it has large holes or perforated parts. These defects affect the overall safety of the vehicle, particularly in the event of an accident.

General state of corrosion

If corrosion affects essential parts such as suspension supports, sills or floor, this will obviously be noted as a critical failure. We advise you to treat corrosion from its first appearances to prevent it from spreading.

Fixing the exhaust system: often overlooked, yet essential

The exhaust system plays a number of key roles, including reducing pollutant emissions and reducing engine noise. Its fixation must be impeccable to avoid any problems during the technical inspection.

Poorly fixed exhaust pot

One mounting exhaust chamber Failure could cause excessive vibration, abnormal noise, or even loosen the pot while rolling. Properly screwed fasteners and support in good condition will ensure the conformity of this part of the vehicle.

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Escape leaks and damage

It is also crucial to check that there are no leaks or holes in the exhaust. All gas leakage could not only compromise vehicle performance, but also violate environmental standards.

Inoperative stop lamps and other electrical problems

Light-signalling is vital for road safety. Inoperative stop lamps, malfunctioning flashing lights, driving lamps or even registration plate lights are all screened during the technical inspection.

Broken or dirty fire covers

Never underestimate the condition of the fire covers. Broken or dirty covers can reduce the visibility of signals from your headlights, creating a real danger for you and other drivers.

Electrical wiring problems

Wiring problems can lead to random malfunctions in your light systems. It is advisable to have your entire electrical circuit checked regularly, especially if you notice any anomalies.

Used or flat tyres: immediate risk factor

Tires are the only direct contact between your vehicle and the road. Their condition is therefore carefully examined during the technical inspection. The worn or flat tyres expose passengers to an increased risk of accident.

Sculpture depth

The legislation imposes a minimum depth of sculpture for tyres. Below this limit, your tires will be considered dangerous. Regular measurements shall be made to ensure that this depth is sufficient.

Tyre pressure and general condition

In addition to the depth of the sculptures, the pressure must be correct. Similarly, make sure that your tires do not have significant nails or cuts. Make it a habit to check the condition of your tires every month to prevent the critical failures.

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Liquid leak: a warning sign of various problems

Fluids play vital roles in maintaining the performance and safety of your vehicle. One liquid leak – whether it is engine oil, coolant, or Brake fluid – is generally sufficient reason to refuse a vehicle to undergo technical inspection.

Engine oil leak

One engine oil leak can lead to a lack of lubrication, causing serious damage to the engine. This type of leak often leaves visible spots under the vehicle. Regularly inspect the engine and bottom to detect any potential leaks.

Cooling fluid leak

Any damage to your car's cooling system could cause an overheating of the engine. Increased monitoring of your temperature gauge allows you to detect this kind of problem before the technical check.

No damaged windscreen or windscreen

The presence of a windscreen in good condition is indispensable. Not only does it protect occupants from weather and external objects, it also contributes to the structural rigidity of the car.

Significant impact or crack

A significant impact or crack will hinder the driver's vision which is eliminatory during the technical inspection. The instruments used will not allow any complacency.

Internal and external cleanliness

Having functional wipers and a clean windscreen is mandatory for good visibility. Change them from the first signs of weakness to prevent any problems during this mandatory stop.

Defective safety belts: fundamental safety element

Seat belts are designed to protect occupants in the event of a collision. They must be in perfect working order to pass the technical check.

Usure and functionality of each belt

A tapered, damaged or no longer properly locked belt will be reported as defective. Make sure every belt in the vehicle works perfectly and inspect their visual condition frequently.

Locking mechanism

The locking mechanism shall operate smoothly. Test the buckles and locks regularly. An accidental opening could define an unacceptable defect for control.

Other critical failures to be monitored absolutely

  • Management: Any anomaly in the operation of the steering wheel results in a severe warning.
  • Suspension: Poor suspension affects road handling and can cause an accident.
  • Driving assistance systems: ABS, ESP, etc., which do not work properly will also be grounds for rejection.


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